Palm Pre's best hope...vanity

"I'm bored of the iPhone" - This is a direct quote from a review of the Palm Pre. And it really sums up what Palm's "best hope" for success is --> VANITY. Just like this post, all those techies, early-adopters, and people with more money than brains who absolutely must have something that they can whip out [legally] and show off to their possy to prove they are the coolest dude in the group, they are all bashing the iPhone as "old" and "boring". But the Pre is "different" and "cool". That is why people buy the Palm Pre today. That is the only reason they buy it today.

Let's review the facts. To date, Palm has sold approx 150,000 Pres. To date, Apple has sold approx 25 million iPhones. The one thing you learn in manufacturing consumer electronics is that, the more you make, the better they get. The first few thousand of anything is junk from a robustness standpoint. You simply have to make a lot of anything to work out the kinks. Now, perhaps Palm crushed all those junky Pres. But perhaps not. Only time will tell.

From a feature standpoint, here is what you need to know regarding the salient differences between the Apple iPhone and the Palm Pre:

Key features Palm Pre has that iPhone does not have include:

1. Multitasking. That means you can run one app, leave it and run another app, and the first app will remain running in the "background". This is cool for some apps that need to monitor things on an ongoing basis, and is a definite advantage over the iPhone for those applications. Apps like SKYPE, Loopt, and Tweetdeck would benefit from this legit advantage.

2. Form factor. The Pre is decidedly smaller than the iPhone, so folks with small hands may like how it feels. The screen, however, is also slightly smaller, so you give something up in that tradeoff. IMHO, not enough reason to buy an unproven device.

3. Physical keyboard. The iPhone uses a "virtual" keyboard that some folks find hard to type on, whereas the Pre has an actual physical keyboard. The concept is cool, and I personally like physical keyboards like the one on my Treo 650. Unfortunately, I've heard that the Pre's keyboard is a little too small to be easily used [at least by the average man]. Again, this is a personal, ascetic reason to get a device.

4. WebOS. This term is used here to describe the entire User Experience [UX] of the Pre, which is definitely slick and cool. Again, if you buy on slick and cool, instead of on how to get things done, this could be a big factor in your decision. My problem with making a decision based upon who has the coolest UX is that, next week or next month, something "cooler" will come along, and you can literally go broke chasing these technology fashion trends. You better bring a lot of money if you like to do this sort of thing.

...There you have it. If you want these things, and these things ONLY, i.e. "to be the coolest kid on the block", go for it and buy a Pre. Let me know how it goes. I'll stick with my iPhone 3GS. Because I'm busy and I need to get something done. If you disagree, or even if you agree, let me know by writing a comment. Cheers.


  1. Bill Jackson12:28 PM

    you know how I hate to disagree with you.....

    I believe that Palm has several openings in this area, especially on things that Apple will never change that go to the core of their culture.

    For example, the iPhone is still a pretty locked up piece when all is said and done. non-standard connectors, license to the dock protocols, fixed battery, locked down ring tones (mostly), only connects to iTunes, only can put apps that they approve, etc. This is not going to change, Apple has been doing this kind of stuff for years.

    Now, is there a place for a true platform in this market? Sure, and Palm has a shot at this, as does Android. Symbian (foundation) is toast in my opinion as is Microsoft's Windows Mobile.

    The key here in my mind is that a compelling device along with a compelling platform will be successful. Apple clearly has the first, the jury is out on the second if they keep everything in a box. Can Palm exploit that? Let's hope so!

    Not only that, I was able to hold in my hands last week and use a Pre and it FEELS nice. I agree on the keyboard size, but that's a function of the total device. But in general, it felt better in my hands than my iPhone, which is now approaching 2 years old, the longest I've had any single mobile phone in my life. If it weren't for the Sprint connection... who knows, I may have bought one already and turned the iphone into my son's latest ipod touch....

    but hey, it could be vanity or even the need for the latest cool gadget. Of course as a new first-time (last week) iphone owner, you wouldn't quite understand that!

  2. Bill,

    Please note that I said vanity was the only reason to buy a Palm Pre "today"...in the future, Palm may very will have a great platform that rivals or even exceeds Apple for the reasons you have given. But by then, you and all your "cool" friends will be on to something else!

    Agree Palm and Android are the only viable contenders...just right now [and probably for the next 1-2 years] this is Apple's game to lose.

    Thanks for the comment!

