More iPhone bashing

Wow..this is really a phenomenon. Check out the following video review. This ZDnet editor says he "would love to have" an iPhone...and then goes ahead and bashes this wonderful product because of the minor issues he thinks are important that it does not fare well on. Must be great to have all that power of the press.

Here are the main points of the ZDNet commentary in a nutshell:

1. There is "much less excitement" with this year's iPhone launch than in year's past. By who's standard? This year Apple sold 1 Million iPhone 3GS models in the first three days of the launch. Last year they sold...you guessed it...1 Million iPhone 3G models in the first three days. Exactly the same number! So it seems, from a monetary standpoint at least, this launch was just as exciting. But then again, some techies might not get excited about making money.

2. "The Palm Pre sold out at launch". Well, what a wonderful marketing statement. The thing you have to realize, however, is that it is easy to sell out when you have no product. Palm only sold 150,000 units in the same timeframe that Apple sold 1 Million. Palm Pre sales amount to nothing more than a rounding error in Apple's books.

3. "AT&T is the problem" because of the following three things: 1) lack of MMS support, 2) lack of tethering support, and 3) locking customers into a 2 year contract. PLEASE. Are you kidding? IMHO, MMS support is a legitamate gripe, albeit a minor one. But tethering support? Only geeks give a rip about this. Most "normal" people couldn't tell you what tethering support is if their life depended upon it. And as for the "2 year contract" lock-in, where have you been living for the past 15 years, on Mars? Every phone carrier in the US utilizes this HW subsidy model, and everybody [including the commenter] knows it! The trite caveat "people expect something different" does not wash with me. What people? Fellow Martians?

Just supports by previous blog that techies don't like the dominant player in any one arena, no matter how good the product. Futher, all the commenters and writers are early adopters who could care less about reliabiility and cost, since they change electronics like they change their socks. To the rest of us...their opinions are becoming less and less useful, and could actually make life a lot worse financially.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM


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