Why buy a KRZR ?

I recently decided to buy a new cell phone. Like most folks, I wanted something as small as possible. I wanted a really good phone. Something that was tested and used by a lot of folks. Buying the latest and greatest tech is the best way to be disappointed.

I had decided for a while now to buy a RAZR. They've been out since 2004, and MOT has sold millions of them. They work great as phones, and are still one of the coolest looking designs out there.

Then, right before I decided to make the purchase, MOT came out with the KRZR. This phone was originally hailed as being the "latest and greatest" and even smaller than the RAZR. What a dilemma.

After checking out both phones, I decided to get a RAZR. I learned through several reviews that the KRZR is essentially a repackaged RAZR V3m, so from a functional standpoint there was very little difference. That left only the size metric to consider. I REALLY wanted a SMALL phone.

So how much smaller is the KRZR? Well, here are the facts:

RAZR: 14mm x 53mm x 99mm which gives a total volume of 73,458 cubic millimeters

KRZR: 16mm x 42mm x 103mm which gives a total volume of
69,216 cubic millimeters

--> This implies the KRZR is 4,242 cubic millimeters smaller than the RAZR, which represents a mere 5.77% reduction in volume.

So, let's review:

1. KRZR is the same phone internally as the RAZR V3m.
2. KRZR is 4mm longer and 2mm thicker than the RAZR.
3. KRZR is only less than 6% smaller in overall volume.
4. KRZR costs at least $100 more!

Therefore, I feel that unless you HAVE to own the "latest and greatest", or you need a skinnier (albeit longer and thicker) version of the RAZR V3m, seems like a no-brainer.

RAZR still has legs!

I've had the phone for over two weeks, and think it's great!

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